of the
god's power>My issues

Hi, I'm Shatavia and thanks for joining me on this journey! In September 2019 I wrote down a list of over 300 goals. On that list was a goal to do one Bible study a week over a meal. Why? My spirit felt overwhelmed. I felt like I was lacking a hands-on approach to the growth of my spirit. I knew the exact direction I wanted to go in my life and in my career, but I didn't have any direction for my spirit. It was just going to service, daily reading and, maybe, a devotional. So, I had my first Bible study a week later and it's been an ongoing endeavor since then. Some weeks I get more studies than I asked for and some weeks every Bible study falls through. I study the woman with the issue of blood with each person and I gain something new and different every time. I leave each study excited, encouraged and with a deeper understanding of God's power over my issues.
I started teaching children's Bible study at 16 and have continued to do so most of my life. I've also been fortunate enough to conduct a prayer workshop, build a vacation Bible school curriculum and also speak at several different women's programs. And one thing I've managed to do my entire life is make mistakes.
In an effort to return God's blessing to His people, my vision is to first, to create a distraction-free, online hub of women encouraging one another and, two, to invite others to facilitate their own Bible studies. It's an intentional space for the sole purpose of encouraging women and helping others to recognize God's power of their issues and the issues of others.
To encourage women to spiritually be the best versions of themselves
To give women the tools to facilitate an enriching and uplifting Bible study
To provide an online forum of encouragement, prayer and celebration