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Guest Blogger: Lauraine Giannetta

Lauraine G.

Walk On Water

“When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!” But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here! Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.” - Matthew 14:26-29

During this time of quarantine, I’ve been secretly motivated by momtreprenuers on Instagram. These ​mom entrepreneurs​ found innovative ways to stay home with their youth and make money guilt and worry-free. Feeling like my heart was being tugged on and my mind was smoothly teased, I, too, wanted to “walk on the water” like them. I took it as a sign.

See, I had been working in the field of politics for almost a decade and the field is not too family friendly. I wanted more for myself and I kept praying and requesting for a sign. Frustration and lack of patience ensued with a fiery vengeance --my requests turned into cries of demand to God, “Lord, if I should get another job, make waves, open doors of opportunities, tell me to come to you,” I would shout. ​Who [insert clap] in [insert clap] the [insert clap] world [insert clap] was [insert clap] I [insert clap] screaming [insert clap] at?

Not God, said God.

I grew bitter. I grew weary. I would watch sermons specifically dedicated to perseverance. I watched more momtreprenuers make more money breastfeeding on LIVE, ke-ke’ing with their husbands in the background. I was annoyed. I was envious. I was not acting in the Spirit of Love and God used this moment to humble me like pie.

God revealed to me that I was being tested and though I surely felt tried, I learned, ​I ​am not to test God. It is not my place to #challenge God for a new career path, love, better friends, money, etc. I can ask to receive His will but the key is patience in the waiting. Understanding His wisdom and not relying on my own would subtly remind me that God’s timing is perfect. I also learned not to envy another’s success -- though it be public, the sacrifices remain private. Be careful what you ask God for.

In my inspiration to do something different, career-wise, God moved strategically. He gave me double when I was screaming for a quarter. I was able to open a new business and start a new career path in the field of healthcare. Me? In healthcare? Honey, medicine belongs in a cabinet and not in my life path. ​But God.​ He instructs us to “take courage for He is here” and I followed instructions and my blessings remain astronomical. Join Jesus and walk on water, my friends. Here’s your sign.

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